
Writing Ⅳc Exams

I think how to success in Writing Ⅳ is very hard because we must write a lot of posts and long sentences. However, I think everybody can success if you write post every day, if you read a lot of books written by English and if you have ambition for Writing Ⅳ.

If you write post every day, you will be comfortable. Because you must write many many posts on your own blog. I didn't many posts in a year so I was in trouble. I had to write 130 posts in a year. It is very difficult.

If you read a lot of books written by English, you will be able to write book reviews in detail. You must write a lot of book reviews. I think it is very hard. You must read several books and comments about books.

If you have ambition for Writing Ⅳ, you can learn how to write long essays automatically. Writing long essays is very important in Writing Ⅳ. In fall semester, I had to write about 6 essays and more 300 words in one essay.
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